Vission & mission

Vission & mission

The Research Institute of Text Analysis and Applications (hereinafter IATEXT) focuses its research on editing and analyzing different types of texts from interdisciplinary perspectives (linguistic, literary, historical, computer, etc.). The general objective of IATEXT is to produce results in basic research and develop multimedia applications for research, educational, cultural and professional fields.

The IATEXT was created by initiative of several research groups that over the last fifteen years have developed joint research activities and have discovered the coincidence in their researchs or the capability to merge them. Therefore, the IATEXT has equipped its  research groups with a new research structure that optimizes their performance, since the confluence of philologists of several branches, historians specialized in documentation and textual sources and software engineers specialist in computational linguistics and computer applications, not only increase yields but allow research to channel its lines of action towards more competitive fields and calls.

IATEXT creation was authorized by the Governing Council of the Canary Islands on January 30, 2014 (17/02/2014 BOC) and has the powers recognized by the Organic Law 6/2001 of Universities (BOE of 24/12 / 2011), amended by Organic Law 4/2007 (BOE of 13/04/2007) and the Statutes of the University of Las Palmas (BOE of 22/04/2011).